Overwatch 2 Console Beta Release Date: When is the PlayStation and Xbox Beta?

With the first beta in full swing for Overwatch 2, many players have dusted off their Battle.net accounts and are playing the hero shooter. With the many mixed impressions the beta is leaving on people, we console folk are very curious to experience the changes ourselves. Here are all the things you should know about the console beta for Overwatch 2 and its release date or window.

Overwatch 2 Console Beta Release Date

As it stands right now, there is no exact release date for the beta. This may come as a disappointment for many, given that the first game did have beta periods for consoles and eventual cross-play functionality. From all the information we know, there has been no outright mention of cross-play for this game either. The majority of players also come from PC, so it only makes sense to start the beta off with where it’s most populated and accessible.

All hope is not lost, though. The game is said to have a console beta, but not during this first period. For right now, it’s PC only, and in Blizzard’s words, they “have plans to include console players in future Betas!”


If you are a bit disheartened by the news, you should at least know that when the time does come for console players, the rules will be the same as it is for PC. You have to own the first game, but even that doesn’t guarantee to get in. Unless it’s an open beta, factors like location and when you signed up will be taken into consideration.

In the meantime, unless you’re willing to drop the money, you can only play the beta on PC, get a lucky Twitch drop from watching participating streams, and if you own the first game.

Overwatch 2 is currently in its closed beta phase right now, lasting until May 17, 2022. The game is currently in development with no exact release date. It’s set to release on the PlayStation 4 and 5, Xbox One and Series S/X, and PC.

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