Minecraft freezing or getting stuck after 1.18.30 update on Nintendo Switch

Here’s the crux of the article in video form:

New updates are being added at the bottom of this story…….

Original story (published on April 20, 2022) follows:

Minecraft is a successful survival, building and adventure game. It is currently available for multiple consoles and platforms in different versions (Minecraft Java and Bedrock).

Recently, Minecraft received the 1.18.30 stable update with some tweaks and changes. However, it seems that the update also brought serious performance issues on certain platforms.

More specifically, many Minecraft players on Nintendo Switch are experiencing issues such as freezing, severely long load times, and server crashes. However, other platforms may also be affected.

Minecraft 1.18.30 update brought freezing and performance issues on Nintendo Switch

According to multiple reports, performance issues appeared after updating Minecraft to the latest stable version v1.18.30 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).

Minecraft on Nintendo Switch is currently experiencing random freezes, getting stuck on loading screens for a long time, or never finding servers to connect to (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8).


what they did?

Since the last update in switch everything just go wrong, the loadings screens are longer, the game freezes when autosaves and the popping is a mess loading for long time and walking in the literally nothing, the game runs well before the update and now is an unplayable mess

I can’t get into my server

I’ve never had an issue with this until now, but whenever I’ve tried to get into the server it’s stuck on the “locating server” and but it just freezes on that screen. Plus my friend says I’m on the server when this happens.

Other platforms could also be experiencing performance issues

The vast majority of reports on the matter come from Nintendo Switch users. However, there are also some reports from players on other platforms (such as Xbox and PC) describing similar issues.


Is anyone else’s game completely broken with this new update? (Bedrock, Xbox One)

I play with my friend on switch and already I’ve noticed this new update has completely broken Minecraft.

The main menu takes an absurdly long time to load now, and when you try to load in to a world the menu starts having a stroke for 10 minutes before letting you in. We’ve only been playing for an hour now and we’ve already noticed that /fill isn’t working and command blocks are being super weird as well. Is this just on our ends?

Nah this update took a giant shit on like every console version. Just scroll through the posts on this sub lol

Now my Switch version has 200% more screen freezes than normal!

There is still no official acknowledgment on the issue from the developers. We will keep our eyes open for new related events that arise in the future to update this story.

Update 1 (April 21)

05:53 pm (IST): One of the affected users says that the game works better when playing on a local network. However, it lags when playing in split-screen mode. So users can play the game locally until it gets fixed.

Update 2 (April 23)

11:10 am (IST): A user pointed out that the new worlds are working fine after this update, while the old saved worlds are lagging and freezing. So users can play on new worlds until devs fix the issue.

Update 3 (April 25)

10:19 am (IST): One of the affected players now says that the game starts freezing only when the save file size exceeds 15MB.

Update 4 (April 26)

11:40 am (IST): A Mojang support member has confirmed that the team is currently investigating this issue and looking into a solution. However, they did not provide any ETA for the fix.

Update 5 (April 27)

11:57 am (IST): A player has asked devs to add an option to disable the auto-save function as it has been one of the primary reasons for game crashing.


Update 6 (April 28)

04:31 pm (IST): Here’s a potential workaround suggested by one of the affected players. So those still facing this problem can try and see if it helps.

Here’s what I did to be able to play again:

– From the world owner account, which wasn’t affected as long as I wasn’t logged in, I reduced render distance to the minimum of 5 chunks instead of the default 12, and antialiasing to 1 (from 2).

– On my account, painstakingly got to the underground tunnel connecting my house to the other houses on the world and escaped. It took like 20 minutes of the game being mostly frozen. Once I was out of the danger zone I could move normally.

– Crept back closer and leashed the iron golems out of their boat at the front of the house, then took them somewhere else. They still made the game pause briefly around them every few seconds until they were dead, even when led in the middle of nowhere.

– Crept back and mined all the boats.

– I still cannot get close to the house, although I can get closer than before. (Source)

Update 7 (April 29)

10:41 am (IST): Minecraft (Bedrock) has picked up a new update as version 1.18.31. This new update should fix the freezing and stability issues on the Switch when it rolls out for the device in the coming days.

Here’s a snippet from the changelog:

– Fixed an issue where repeatedly saving and reloading specific chunks would result in delayed chunk loading, performance issues, and game instability (Source)

Update 8 (April 30)

11:35 am (IST): Fresh reports (1, 2, 3) now suggest that this issue still persists even after the recent update.

Update 02 (May 02)

11:16 am (IST): Some players are now saying that the game is freezing due to mobs spawning.


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