When Will Valorant Episode 5, Act Two Begin?

Valorant Episode 5 Act I is coming to a close in a little over a day. This act gave us the new Ascendant rank, a new aquatic map Pearl, and removes Split from the competitive queue. Let’s look at when Valorant Episode 5, Act Two begins.

Valorant Episode 5, Act Two release date and time

The new Act is expected to go live on 24th August. Riot Games usually start patching the client at 2:00 pm PDT (2:30 pm IST or 5:00 am SGT). The server usually experiences downtime for about three hours while the new patch goes live. The competitive queue will be disabled on 23rd August at 7:00 am PDT (7:30 pm IST or 10:00 pm SGT).

What’s in store in Valorant Episode 5, Act Two?

Act 2 will launch with a new battle pass, Champions Event Pass, the Champions Bundle, and the new crosshair settings features.

It will also include a new game mode called HURM. According to ValorLeaks, HURM will be an ability-enabled team deathmatch game mode in which players will race to be the first team to get 100 kills.

The new crosshair settings let players use hex codes and change horizontal and vertical crosshair lines separately. You can now copy the crosshair of the currently spectated player by typing /crosshair copy or /cc.

You will now also be able to avoid players in Valorant.

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