PlayStation Stats Show Which Regions Earn More Trophies

PlayStation owners who seek out trophies either casually or competitively got some interesting stats recently from a Sony Interactive Entertainment presentation. The stats in question showed how different regions stack up against one another when it comes to earning trophies both in terms of normal trophies and the coveted Platinum ones. Other non-trophy topics discussed in the same presentation shared additional regional insights in terms of gaming habits and more.

The presentation in question came from SIE during this year’s Computer Entertainment Developers Conference which took place within the past week. Twitter user Genki_JPN who focuses on gaming insights from and around Japan shared some of the more interesting details from the presentation in the form of some charts that depicted regional habits in regards to earned trophies.  

In one tweet depicting a chart related to those trophies, the Twitter user translated the info shown to say that PlayStation users in Japan “have the highest average trophy percentage among the top titles.” The United States, by comparison, had the lowest percentage of earned trophies. It wasn’t clarified what “top titles” consisted of, but the user said in a later tweet that included the source for this info that the stats came from an SIE survey.

When it comes to Platinum trophies, however, the results were a bit different. Asia was listed as the region that boasted the most Platinum trophies with Europe following closely behind it. Japan came in third in that category with the United States once again ranking last.

There was one metric that the United States ranked No. 1 in, and that’s the average amount of titles played. The average PlayStation owner in the U.S. played 10.7 different games in a year, according to the stats, with Japan on the other end of that spectrum at 5.9 titles played per user. Perhaps there’s a connection to be drawn there between the users in the United States bouncing around to different games more frequently while in turn earning fewer trophies overall.

The full presentation from SIE covering these stats and more can be seen here.

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