Immortality review: “One beautiful headf*ck”

I hold the pieces of Marissa Marcel’s life in my head. Tiny fragments of missed glances, passionate kisses, forbidden lust, and things that maybe we weren’t meant to see. Three movies, all unreleased, and at the center of it all – a missing woman. What did happen to Marissa Marcel? From one clip expands a hundred, and through them, Immortality implores you to find out. 

Fast Facts: Immortality

(Image credit: Sam Barlow / Half Mermaid)

Release date: August 30, 2022
Platform(s): Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Android, iOS, PC
Developer / Publisher: Sam Barlow, Half Mermaid

But it has to start with one. Immortality’s detective gameplay might span three movies, but it always starts with one clip. It introduces you to the fairly simple mechanics that involve the ability to watch each clip, scrub back and forth through the footage, and also pause it to engage ‘image mode’. This freezes the action on a single frame and allows you to interact with an element to find any other clips that may feature the same person or item. It’ll regularly drop you into a clip part-way through and leave you to locate it in time and relevancy. 

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