Dungeon Defenders: Awakened gains Episode Two Part 1 expansion on Switch in November
Posted on September 2, 2022 by Brian(@NE_Brian)
in News, Switch eShop
Chromatic Games shared news about Dungeon Defenders: Awakened in celebration of PAX West 2022 today, confirming that Switch is set to receive the free expansion “Episode Two Part 1” this November.
The expansion features two new maps, including The Bazaar and Lost Metropolis, plus tradeable Runes to enhance specific abilities or defenses to suit any preferred playstyle. The fan-favorite character, Summoner, will also be reimagined as “Outcast Summoner” when they re-enter the fray and defend the frontlines. That’s along with other quality of life improvements including player gear trading, as well as an increased level cap with new gear and abilities to master.
Chromatic Games CEO Augi Lye said: “The Dungeon Defenders Universe is expanding rapidly, and so are our ambitions. The community around both of these titles are almost more passionate than us, the people that make the games! We couldn’t ask for a better audience and will continue to deliver on the expectations they have set for us now and in the future. We hope to see some of you at PAX West this weekend!”
Dungeon Defenders: Awakened is currently available on the Switch eShop.
Source: Chromatic Games PR
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