X-Wing Miniatures Game Announces Siege of Coruscant Scenario Pack

Atomic Mass Games has announced a new scenario pack for X-Wing Miniatures Game. The Siege of Coruscant Scenario Pack will allow players to recreate the climactic Siege of Coruscant, which played out during the opening act of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. One player will play as the Republic forces led by Anakin Skywalker, who are trying to rescue Chancellor Palpatine, while the other side will play as the Separatist Forces led by Count Dooku. The Scenario Pack contains over 20 ship cards that feature both pilots and pre-set upgrades, which allows for players to quickly choose their ships and jump into the action. Players will still need to purchase separate ship miniatures in order to play through the scenario.

The X-Wing Miniatures Game is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year, with the game now under the stewardship of Atomic Mass Games. Players build a squadron of various starfighters, ranging from nimble A-Wings to bulky Y-Wings, and outfit them with different upgrades and pilots with different skills. After a tabletop surface is filled with different kinds of obstacles, most often asteroids, and players have to plan their turns to out-maneuver their opponent and shoot them out of the sky…or space. Each ship has a different turn radius, speed, and weapons range, which makes picking out your squad even more important. 

Scenarios are a relatively recent addition to The X-Wing Miniatures Game. The first Scenario replayed the Battle of Yavin, with one player trying to blow up the Death Star and the other player trying to defend it. 

The Siege of Coruscant Scenario Pack will be released in December 2022 and will cost $24.99.

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