Homefront: The Revolution is hiding one hell of an Easter egg in the shape of a fully playable version of TimeSplitters 2 4K, a former developer at Dambuster Studios has revealed over the weekend.
While the developer admitted he had forgotten the code to unlock the game, well-known mode Lance McDonald worked his magic to discover the necessary button input combination to access the classic first-person shooter. You can see the results of his findings below.
Xbox One: LT+UP, LT+UP, Down, LT+Right, RT+Left, RT+B, LT+Y, LT+Y, RT+X, LT+A
PS4: L2+UP, L2+UP, Down, L2+Right, R2+Left, R2+●, L2+▲, L2+▲, R2+■, L2+X
Xbox One: LT+RT+Left, LT+RT+Down, LT+RT+Left, LT+RT+B, RT+Left, LT+RT+Left, LT+RT+Down, LT+RT+Y, RT+X, LT+A
PS4: L2+R2+Left, L2+R2+Down, L2+R2+Left, L2+R2+●, R2+Left, L2+R2+Left, L2+R2+Down, L2+R2+▲, R2+■, L2+X
Xbox One: RT+B, LT+RT+Left, LT+RT+B, LT+RT+Down, LT+Right, LT+Up, LT+Y, LT+RT+A, RT+X, LT+A
PS4: R2+●, L2+R2+Left, L2+R2+●, L2+R2+Down, L2+Right, L2+Up, L2+▲, L2+R2+X, R2+■, L2+X
Unknown (maybe cheats)
Xbox One: LT+RT+Down, LT+RT+Left, LT+RT+A, RT+B, RT+Left, LT+Y, LT+Y, LT+RT+B, RT+X, LT+A
PS4: L2+R2+Down, L2+R2+Left, L2+R2+X, R2+●, R2+Left, L2+▲, L2+▲, L2+R2+●, R2+■, L2+X
Unknown (Maybe Extras)
Xbox One: LT+RT+Down, LT+RT+Left, LT+RT+Y, LT+Right, RT+B+, LT+Y, LT+RT+B, LT+RT+Down, RT+X, LT+A
PS4: L2+R2+Down, L2+R2+Left, L2+R2+▲, L2+Right, R2+●+, L2+▲, L2+R2+●, L2+R2+Down, R2+■, L2+X
Xbox One: LT+B, RT+X, LT+Left, LT+Right, LT+Up, LT+RT+Down
PS4: L2+●, R2+■, L2+Left, L2+Right, L2+Up, L2+R2+Down
While the full version of the game wasn’t known about until now, Dambusters had previously revealed that it had included two levels from TimeSplitters in the game via an arcade cabinet.
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