Ubisoft has unleashed the Watch Dogs Legion update 01.100.000/1.15 for PS4 and PS5 owners to download today, and it comes packing a range of bug fixes. Among the issues ironed out include freezing problems with Online Mode and crashing bugs on PS5 when loading certain areas.
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Read up on the Watch Dogs Legion 01.100.000 and Watch Dogs Legion 1.15 patch notes below, via Ubisoft’s Forums.
- Improvements made to reduce the game freezing when a player joins or leaves an Online Mode session.
- Fixed an issue that could cause game chat to not work anymore after being kicked out of an Online session due to inactivity.
- Fixed an issue that could cause potential recruits to be removed from a players list after disconnecting from the game.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Spiderbot Arena entry point to disappear from the map when disconnecting from a public Online session.
- Fixed an issue that could cause gunfire sound effects to infinitely loop during Online sessions.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Operatives to spawn stuck in inside textures after switching Operatives during the Vigilante and The Red Blade missions.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the camera position to be misplaced when joining a Spiderbot Arena match from another Spiderbot Arena lobby.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Tactical Op missions to restart when the session host left the group.
- Fixed lighting issues inside the Drowning Post pub.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the map objective to not properly update after switching to the first recruited Operative in Online Mode.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the objective “Investigate the Stage” to not properly update under certain circumstances during the “Moscow Rules” mission.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the “Download Cloud save” option to not appear properly.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Push-To-Talk function to not have a default key binding.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash during free roam London and co-op missions in Online mode.
- Fixed an issue that could cause purchased bundles to not correctly display that they have been purchased in the in-game store.
- Fixed an issue that caused item prices and the “Purchase” button to not correctly update after acquiring WD Credits.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when launching the game.
- Fixed an issue where the Queen Bee “disable drones” ability did not properly work in the Tidis Park location during the City Event.
- Fixed an issue where game controls could become unresponsive after connecting to Ubisoft Connect.
PlayStation family
- Fixed an issue that could prevent users from accessing the Online Mode when disconnecting a user by switching profiles.
PlayStation 4
- Fixed an issue that could cause a Spiderbot to become unresponsive to Hacking after gathering several Hotspots.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash after playing for an extended period.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash on loading into London free roam, co-op or Tactical Op missions.
PlayStation 5
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to become stuck at “Connecting to servers” when trying to launch the Single Player campaign.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when running the PlayStation 4 version of Watch Dogs: Legion.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when excessively using the text chat in the Online Mode.
- Fixed several missing car engine audio files.
Xbox family
- Fixed an issue that could prevent players from reconnecting to the Online mode after disconnecting from the game.
- Fixed an issue that caused the achievements “Piece de Resistance”, “Bullseye” and “Bottom’s Up” to not correctly transfer from Xbox One to Xbox Series X/S.
Xbox One
- Fixed an issue that could cause a black screen when starting the game if two users on the same consoles were using different audio DLCs.
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