And you thought Konami didn’t make games any more! GetsuFumaDen: Undying Moon is being developed primarily by indie studio GuruGuru ‘alongside’ Konami Digital Entertainment, and it turns out it’s a remake of a 1987 Famicom game. Who knew?
Well, a particular stalwart staff member reminded us all, actually, and the PR that came in following Nintendo’s Indie World Showcase also mentioned it. This remake — coming to Switch in 2022 and hitting Steam Early Access this May — is described as a “roguevania 2D action” game set in a fantasy world and given a lick of paint in the style of traditional Japanese art.
The game will have you going down, down, deeper and down into the depths of the Underworld to… do something or other. Fighting evil hordes, defeating bosses — you know the drill. The ‘rogue’ bit of the description means you’ll be facing procedurally generated levels of hell which will change each time you return, so if you’re not a fan of your roguelikes and roguelites… you might want to sit this one out.
That’d be a shame, though, because GetsuFumaDen is looking rather tasty, as you can see from the reveal trailer (age restricted, which is why we can’t embed it above). Check out some setting blurb and screenshots below:
After 1,000 years of peace, the seal to the gate of hell has been ripped open and a flood of evil spirits have been released into the world. As it stands at the brink of destruction, Getsu Fuma must take on the helm as the leader of his clan and delve into the pits of hell to rip out the evil at its core.
Not bad-looking, huh? An official ‘Roadmap’ website is up and running and already features several posts detailing additional stages and characters, including Getsu Renge below, “the 21st leader of the Getsu Clan, also known as the clan’s greatest kunoichi”:
The game’s coming to Switch next year, but with Steam Early Access available from the 13th May, we’ll have plenty of time to size up the game before if comes to our favourite homeheld console. You can also check out Hardcore Gaming 101 for a nice little retrospective if you want to find out more of the game’s history.
Like the look of this? Played the Famicom original? Let us know with a comment below.
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