Upcoming Nintendo Switch Games And Accessories For July And August 2021

We’re now entering the second half of the year and following the E3 2021 Nintendo Direct presentation, Switch owners have a much better idea what they’ve got to look forward to over the coming months.

If you’re looking to pencil in some big names in your July and August gaming diary, below we’ve picked out a handful of the biggest releases coming to Switch over the next couple of months. Underneath these juicy physical treats you’ll also find a whole selection of other games — often physical releases for previously digital-only Switch eShop games — to peruse and consider, plus a bunch of sweet Switch accessories and related peripherals you might want to consider to get you though the mid-year months.

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Monster Hunter Rise isn’t the only new entry in Capcom’s series coming to Switch in 2021. Nope, portable spin-off Monster Hunter Stories is getting a Switch-based sequel, too.

Adopting the same art style seen in the 3DS original, Monster Hunter Stories 2 will feature a strong narrative focus, and will presumably retain the simple RPG mechanics the sub-series is known for. The protagonist, Monster Rider, befriends monsters from the series rather than slaying them to make a tail feather cap, so it’ll offer a different flavour of Monster Hunter-y goodness alongside the more traditional entries on Switch.

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD brings the bespoke Wii entry in the series back with a high definition lick of paint, plus newly integrated stick-based swordplay as an optional alternative to the original gyro controls.

While this game’s slow start, compartmentalised world and requisite motion controls (not to mention Fi’s constant barrage of tips and advice) weren’t everyone’s cup of tea, we have very warm memories of our time with the ten-year-old game and we can’t wait to see how this Switch version compares.

This upcoming sequel to DS classic The World Ends With You was a real surprise when it was first revealed by Square Enix last November, but a very welcome one. We got a Switch version of the original in the form of The World Ends With You: Final Remix, which was great, although it always felt like the game worked better on DS. We¡re eager to see how this new game works on a system it’s designed for from the ground up.

We got some hands on time with the game recently, so check out our first impressions of NEO: The World Ends With You if you can’t wait to find out more until it launches on Switch at the end of July.

Finally arriving in the West after debuting in Japan on 3DS waaay back in 2015!, The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles compiles both Capcom’s first and second games in this throwback series which sees you take on the role of Phoenix Wright’s ancestor, Ryunosuke Naruhodo as he travels to Victorian London and comes face to face with the World’s Greatest Detective. No, not Batman — we’re talking, of course, about… er, Herlock Sholmes.

Capcom didn’t want to incur the wrath of the Arthur Conan Doyle estate, it seems. Fans of the Phoenix Wright series won’t want to miss out on this one, and the Japanese originals were apparently excellent, so the decision whether or not to pick this up should be elementary, my dear Jotson.

Originally slated for a 2020 release, as with so many games No More Heroes 3 got pushed into this year. We’ve enjoyed both of Travis Touchdown’s original Wii games on Switch in the meantime, and we also enjoyed the Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes side-story, but this sequel looks set to deliver the full porcelain-throned, laser-sworded Touchdown experience.

Suda51’s third chapter in the NMH trilogy is coming at the end of August.

More Awesome Nintendo Switch Games

Aside from the highlighted games above, there are lots more Switch retail games which might take your fancy in July and beyond.

Awesome Accessories For Your Switch

And finally here are a selection of the finest Switch accessories coming up in July and beyond, for your consideration.

So that’s it for July and August – did we miss anything? Let us know with a comment and also tell us if you’ve pre-ordered any of these goodies!

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