The interconnecting tale of Obsurity lands on Xbox 

We’re not really sure the name fits, but the premise of Obsurity certainly works. Throw in a low price point and we’ve got a game landing on Xbox that could well be worth a look. 

Obsurity arrives from the Xitilon publishing team, after having been put together by those at Game Dynasty. It tells the tale of two characters to deliver an action adventure that is both highly atmospheric and full of intrigue. The fact that there’s a single interconnecting story that covers both suffering and the need to sacrifice just makes it all the more interesting. 

Priced at a mere £4.19, Obsurity welcomes us to the worlds of an exiled knight and a young treasure seeker. You see, it’s with these two where we find the whole of Ahn’koval covered in darkness and pain, left to attempt to figure out how things can be fixed. With secrets and puzzles aplenty and a fun pixeled artstyle that urges you on, at the heart of Obsurity is a rather ghoulish little adventure, complete with a confusing and mysteries plot. 

If that is for you, we’d advise you head to the Xbox Store and pick up a copy of the super cheap Obsurity for Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S right now. Or stay tuned for our full review – that should be dropping very soon. 

And as always, let us know if you decide to pick this up. The comments are below and we’re on the usual social channels. We’d love to know what you think.

Game Description:

Obsurity swept the whole of Ahn’koval. Eternal darkness and pain is all that we have. Obsurity – Atmospheric action with puzzles and two playable characters. The story tells about the fate of a knight exile and a young treasure seeker. One interconnecting tale of suffering and sacrifice.

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