TemTem is a Pokemon-inspired game that adds in online multiplayer; so you can see real-life humans running around the digital world. TemTems are the name of the creatures within the game. One of my first games was Pokemon Ruby for the GameBoy Advance SP, so 5 years ago when TemTem was announced, I was right there backing it on Kickstarter and currently have the PigEpic stuffed animal in my room – so I am a big fan of the concept.
Now that TemTem is complete and released, I have been spending my time diving in, trying to catch them all on my Nintendo Switch. So, let’s talk about a day in my life in TemTem. In this game, I am a powerful trainer with a lion-looking creature by my side.
The story does tell me where to go, after my rival stroke friend Max who has digital TemTems instead of real TemTems (nobody has even told me how to get those!!) which are more powerful than mine.
Temtem | Arbury Island Update
Temtem | Arbury Island Update
In my quest to have better TemTems, I spend a lot of time avoiding other trainers. This is, I am told, not how you are meant to play this game or Pokemon – as if it’s a stealth game where you do not want to actually fight anyone. I feel that my creatures are my pets – and I do not want to fight my pets against other people’s pets.
In TemTem, this is a hard quest, as so many paths force you into the line of site of different trainers that are waiting just to attack you. I spend a lot of time walking in circles, trying to find a way to go around whoever might be trying to fight me – which, to be honest, I have only limited success with avoiding.
When it comes to seeing actual strangers run around, I often find myself following them when I am lost – which is always. After fighting a bunch of trainers, losing, and ending up back in the last place I have healed, I then follow whoever has joined the game and is in that area, hoping they have a better sense of direction than I do.
Often, they are on different quests than me and looking for different areas. It’s fun to see them running about and spying on TemTems that I have never seen.
Most of my day is spent doing this; running around, wondering where I should be, and talking to NPCs who I may or may not want to interact with. Often other TemTems jump out at me, attacking me from the long grass. I only capture those that I do not already have, and run away from everyone else, as I do not want to fight at all.
Playing this game as a passive player who doesn’t fight is challenging, but it is fun exploring and checking out all these new creatures that live around this world. Whether you are looking for a nostalgic spin on Pokemon or just want to play with friends, TemTem is a fun game to explore.
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