All hidden chest locations in King’s Fall in Destiny 2

The King’s Fall raid from Destiny got a coat of paint and returned as a Destiny 2 in Season of Plunder, bringing veterans and newcomers into one of the franchise’s most epic moments. It also brings a series of weapons with top-tier perks and even better combinations (for instance, the King’s Fall scout rifle can roll Firefly and Dragonfly simultaneously).

Like other raids, King’s Fall brings a slew of secret chests spread out in nooks and crannies throughout the area. Looting each hidden chest will give you weapons or armor you’ve already acquired before, plus possible raid-exclusive mods (which are only active in King’s Fall and can only go in King’s Fall armor). Collecting all three secret chests will grant you the King’s Ransom triumph and the Ancient Wisdom shader. Here’s what you need to know to find them all.

All secret chest locations in King’s Fall in Destiny 2

First chest: after opening the portal (before Totems encounter)

This chest is in the same location as in Destiny. After the Tombship jumping puzzle, you’ll get to a part where the fireteam will need to hitch a ride on another tombship blocked by a portal. Look to the left side of the barrier to find a ledge and a door carved into the wall. This is where the chest is.

Ride the tombship, but instead of following it past the barrier, jump to a ledge on the left wall and follow it until the end to reach the door. Having a sword helps due to the third-person perspective.

Second chest: inside Golgoroth’s Cellar (after Warpriest encounter)

This chest is also fairly similar to Destiny, though with an added plate. After the Warpriest encounter, head into the portal, and you’ll end up on Golgoroth’s Cellar. Five guardians will need to step on five plates scattered across the area. This old King’s Fall map by artist Taux shows the location of four plates, and the last one will be on the far left (symmetrical to the one on the right). To reach it, make a left instead of turning the final right to reach the exit. The order of the plates is bottom right, top left, bottom left, middle left, and top right, with “bottom” and “top” meaning the entrance and exit, respectively.

Third chest: In the jumping puzzle after Golgoroth

After clearing Golgoroth, you’ll reach the jumping puzzle with the death sticks that boop you to your death. Once you reach the first platform, look to your right to see a Hive column with needle-thin ledges. You’ll also spot a door carved into the wall where the chest will be.

Hop onto the thin ledge you see just below you, then make your way up to the next ledges. If you feel there’s no way up, bring up your Ghost to highlight some invisible ledges out into the air, similar to Ascendant Challenges in the Dreaming City. Jump onto them and keep following the path until you see a ledge across from you. Platform to it, bring your Ghost, and continue looking for the path. Swords help tremendously due to the third-person perspective and the ability to swipe at the air to correct your path.

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