Pearl Abyss has lifted the wraps off the Black Desert update 1.90 patch notes for your viewing pleasure, and while it doesn’t really come with any new content, it does implement a series of important technical and gameplay fixes.
Read up on the Black Desert patch notes below.
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Fixes and Other Changes
● When selecting the [Special Growth] quest line, the conditions for exchanging the PEN(V) Naru gear to PRI(I) Tuvala gear has changed.
Before & After
‘[Special Growth] Fughar’s Memorandum 11′ completed
‘[Special Growth] Fughar’s Memorandum 8′ completed
– This means you can now exchange your gear once you reach level 56, and the pieces can be exchanged through the NPC Fughar. (Please remember to unequip your Naru Gear when attempting to exchange).
● You can now regain ‘Fughar’s Memorandum 1′ item if the quest has been forfeited . You can obtain ‘Fughar’s Memorandum 1′ again by speaking to Black Spirit.
● [Corsair] – Fixed an issue where you could not learn Prime: Ocean’s Embrace I even though you fulfilled the skill’s requisite level due to a preceding skill requiring a different requisite level.
– The requisite levels for the preceding skill, Cap’n On Deck, has been adjusted as follows:
Skill Name Before After
Cap’n On Deck VII 42 40
Cap’n On Deck VIII 48 44
Cap’n On Deck IX 54 48
Cap’n On Deck X 60 52
● [Corsair] – Fixed an issue where Corsair’s appearance would be displayed abnormally in the skill window under certain conditions.
● Fixed an issue where another Adventurer’s Dark Rift monster name and objective would appear in the UI if you had accepted a quest to defeat a Dark Rift Monster.
● [Corsair] – Fixed an issue where the damage dealt by Succession skills was lower than intended.
● Fixed an issue where you could no longer complete the Season Pass if you switched to the simplified main questline after reaching the [Boss] Giath, the Goblin Chief quest on the normal Balenos main questline.
● [Season] Crow Merchants Guild Contribution Certificate I and II have been changed to be family-bound.
● Fixed an issue where Shai’s damage output was applied at a higher rate than intended when attacking Corsair.
● [Corsair] – Fixed an issue when Corsair would use Rage Absorption, the applicable attack power and attack speed increases were not applied correctly.
● [Corsair] – Fixed an issue where Javelin Throw damage was not correctly applied when [Corsair] mounts on a Guild Elephant.
● [Corsair] – Fixed an issue where Corsair could not open the [Event] Classic Outfit Box and obtain the [Corsair] Maretakant Mareca Classic Set.
● Fixed an issue where the ‘Krogdalo’s Feather’ would be used when using a maid to transfer the item.
We’d first like to thank each and every Adventurer for the incredible amount of love and interest you’ve shown Corsair and the Season Servers.
However, we would also like to apologize to everyone for the inconveniences caused by our recent maintenances. As a token of our apology, we are sending you a coupon code. Happy adventuring!
Coupon Code
※ The items attached to the mail are Character Bound.
※ To use a coupon, make sure that you have linked your account at the official website.
Coupon Item
Beginner Black Stone (Weapon) x1000
Beginner Black Stone (Armor) x1000
Coupon Validity Period
NA: June 30th ~ July 14th 04:59PM (PDT)
EU: June 30th ~ July 15th 12:59AM (UTC+1)
ASIA: June 30th ~ July 15th 08:59AM (GMT+9)
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