MONTGOMERY COUNTY, Pa. – Fire up your light sabers, put on your favorite cosplay outfit and head out to the Greater Philly Expo Center off Route 422 in Montgomery County for a weekend of entertainment.
“It’s very tough, you can hit it as much as you want,” said Paul Doghrami with DX Sabers.
“I just did it for fun and now it’s kind of exciting to get to meet people and do something exciting like this,” said “Sparkle” from New Jersey.
“It’s been really exciting to see all the video games and the tournaments they’ve been setting up,” said “CyFy Cosplay” from New York.
It’s a three-day draw for people around the region and the country.
“Exactly, yeah and it gets me excited for more cons that I’m going to and it’s a good experience to go to bigger ones,” Sparkle said.
An early highlight? Xist, an advanced VR experience partnering with Sector X in Cherry Hill.
“We aim to bring a best-in-class free roam multiplayer VR experience,” said Niky Eleson with Xist.

“What is behind me in this big box is a box of immersion, we can put anyone in anything we can create a tool for education, we can blow up museums, actually move through ancient civilizations.”
I’m told the immersive technology is the first of its kind in the United States by way of the UK, and it’s just one of the many great things to see at the expo.
“I’ve been to conventions before but I’ve never really been to one where they actually have live tournaments going on,” said “CYFY.”

As cosplayers, gamers, and more come together for the weekend, it’s sure to be special.
“From an educational standpoint, from an experiential standpoint, the sky’s the limit, there’s really nothing we can’t do,” said Eleson.
The convention runs through Sunday.
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