EA Motive Studio has revealed that the upcoming Dead Space Remake will be presented as one sequential shot, echoing the likes of God Of War (2018).
Speaking during its Inside Dead Space developer blogs, Philippe Ducharme, the game’s Senior Producer, revealed that Dead Space Remake will feature no camera cuts or load screens unless you happen to die — which to be fair, will probably happen a few times.
We’re also actually creating the entire game as one sequential shot. From the moment you start the game to the moment you end the game, there are no camera cuts or load screens—unless you die.
The Ishimura is now fully interconnected, so you can walk from Point A to Point Z, visit the entire ship, and revisit locations you’ve already completed to pick up things you might have missed—that’s all new. It’s now a completely unbroken experience.
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Elsewhere, Creative Director Roman Campos-Oriola confirmed that the development team conversed with “diehard fans” every six weeks to gather feedback and ideas during early production.
Really, really early in development…we started discussions with some members of the community who were identified by our team as diehard fans. We met with them every six weeks, roughly, and we gave them full access to what we were doing.
Dead Space Remake is scheduled for release on January 27, 2023 for PS5, PC and Xbox Series X/S. The original Dead Space was released in 2008 for PS3, PC and Xbox 360, and was developed by EA Redwood Shores, later known as the now-defunct Visceral Games.
[Source – MP1st]
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