Game:Dusk scuttle.0Publisher:Idea FactoryDeveloper:Wanin GamesGenre:Action RPGTested for:3Available for:3S4,5PS5,4Standards,6Released in:9/2022
Japan released the fifth East release, so that power-full team, Yumo, can now now beat up monsters from Western consoles and experience role-playing adventures in other dimensions in the Taiwanese ximending shopping district.
The opulent fight is not just for Japanese GS4. The combo-rich fighters are smooth and fun in an uncomplicated way, but then again a punchy action looms on the face and the story clumsy with cardboard comrades instead of real characters. There are no gimmicks like dual-Sense or German texts.
In a thrilling RPG with an interesting Taiwan setting, a clunky character and a lame story will draw conclusions.
single player63MultiplayerChartSound
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