Late last month, we began hearing about a new edition of Far Cry 6; one that was set to come bundled with an upcoming expansion amongst other bits and pieces. While many focused on the fact that Ubisoft had seemingly labelled it a ‘Game of the Year’ edition (which we now know to be true), we were equally interested in its mystery expansion. The game has now appeared on Xbox Live before an official reveal and, well, its price proves a rather hard pill to swallow.
The Far Cry 6 Game of the Year Edition costs $120, or £100 here in the UK. This particular version does indeed include this mystery expansion (which is “coming soon”), along with the game’s existing season pass and some other minor add-ons.
Now, we don’t know how meaty this ‘Lost Between Worlds’ expansion could turn out to be, but we’re quite surprised to see such a high price for a game that’s been out for a year at this point! GOTY editions typically bundle in extra content for a more standard price, so to see Far Cry 6 re-launch with a $120 version is quite baffling, in all honesty.
Hopefully soon we get to see this new expansion in action to properly gauge whether this package is worth anywhere near its lofty price tag. You never know, it could turn out to be a great big chunk of Far Cry goodness; we certainly hope so anyway!
What do you make of this bundle? As surprised as us by its price tag? Let us know in the comments.
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