I read with interest China’s broadcasting regulator’s call to online producers to create “healthy” cartoons and clamp down on violent, vulgar or pornographic content (No unhealthy content please, China tells cartoon producers, Sept 26).
The article caught my attention as I know a couple who have
over the past five years been struggling to help their son get back on his feet again after the then teenager dabbled in violent anime – both watching and gaming – which led to him developing mental issues and having to leave school.
The couple and their son have since been trying all means of psychiatric treatment, psychotherapy and counselling to help him deal with his issues. It was (and still is) a painful and arduous path.
I wonder if the Infocomm Media Development Authority could adopt a similar stance to control the content of online gaming to ensure that entertainment remains wholesome.
As we jealously guard the physical health of the nation, may we not neglect guarding the mental health of our youth.
Karen Yip Lai Kham
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