Games storefront Humble Bundle has raised $200 million for charity since it was launched back in 2010.
The firm announced this milestone in a blog post, saying that this money had gone to “thousands of charities.” This comes four years after Humble revealed that it had raised over $100 million in September 2017. In July 2019, the company had raised $150 million.
“Today, we’re excited to announce that since that very first bundle in 2010, tens of millions of you have now helped raise a total of $200 million through your Humble purchases, resulting in unparalleled support from the global gaming community for important social causes,” the firm said.
“From the bottom of our hearts, thank you to the Humble community for helping reach this incredible milestone. We’re looking forward to helping raise the next $200 million for global and local charities, and to continuing to be a force for good in the world, together with all of you.”
Humble was bought by media outfit IGN in October 2017. Recently, the company has come under fire for potential changes that it was looking to make to its model.
For a long time, consumers could decide how much of the money they were paying to a charity bundle went to the charity and how much went to Humble. In May of this year, the firm said that it was going to start capping charity donations at 15 per cent, a plan which it walked back on after an outcry from the games community.
In July, Humble said that it was going to take between 15 and 30 per cent of a bundle purchase moving forwards.
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