Humble Bundle reintroduces minimum cap on charity splits

Humble Bundle is again adding a system to ensure that at least 15 per cent of all bundle transactions will go to Humble.

Humble Bundle are a retailer that has spent the past ten years curating and offering pay-what-you-want bundles of games with over £140m being donated to charity. Users could choose what portion of their payment went to developers, charity, and Humble using sliders.

Now Humble Bundle are adding a minimum amount to each slider which guarantees that Humble receive between 15 and 30 per cent of all purchases.

“In mid-July, we’ll be rolling out a new iteration of sliders that creates even more opportunities to support important causes. While splits on each bundle will vary, on average, there will be a minimum amount for Humble Bundle between 15 – 30%.” Humble said on their blog page.

“Sliders will clearly indicate any minimums to customers and the flexibility to adjust donations will be available in every purchase of a bundle. This change comes after ten years of having the option to lower Humble’s percentage to zero.”

The reason given for the change is because of changes to the PC storefront landscape over the past ten years. The new minimums will allow Humble to invest in more exciting content to continue growing the Humble Community.

The retailer had first attempted this redesign in April 2021, but a huge backlash caused them to stop their plans.

“We’ve heard everyone loud and clear and apologize for the way these changes were rolled out. We are now taking a moment to pause, collect constructive feedback and be more transparent about the path forward.”

“Part of that future development will include exploring different approaches to the sliders and how splits work, along with new ways to incorporate charity into other parts of the user experience.”

The PSP store has now closed in other store-related news, but the games may still be available through other devices.

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