Nick Parton, of Argot Bertha Games, which is based in Southampton, decided to make it based on his memories of growing up in the town.
He said: “South Cliff is a short, text-filled experience that asks how reliable our memories really are.
“Set in my hometown of Bexhill, the game takes a tour of the seafront, and my recollections of it. It is alternately funny, snarky, sad and a bit hopeful.
“The beginnings of South Cliff came about after a number of years of being a little ambivalent about going back to visit Bexhill.
“I committed myself to doing so, mostly because my parents live there. However, it seemed like a good time to reflect on what my memories of Bexhill were and whether that ambivalence was really warranted.
“The research I did along the way revealed some fascinating things regarding the onion domes at the Colonnade, the history of the wrought iron shelters along the seafront, which I understand have now been restored, and the genuine curation of the arts that the De La Warr did and continues to do.
“Unfortunately, the scheduled visit coincided with the pandemic, so I don’t yet have that satisfying ending of having actually revisited yet. It’s still on the cards though.
“The game has some relatively mild language used in a comical context that is possibly not appropriate for kids.”
Nick said the game would be suitable for those aged 15 and over, as it contains infrequent mild swearing.
* Got a story? Ring reporters Richard Gladstone on 07803 505794 or Stephen Wynn-Davies on 07393 754494.
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