ESRB ratings are hardly confirmation of video games becoming a reality, but we’re hoping that this latest one is. Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom is the colourful follow-up to Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch (which came to Switch in 2019 after widespread critical success), and recently, a few eagle-eyed journalists have noticed that an ESRB rating for the sequel on Switch has appeared.
So, what does this mean? Well, we can’t exactly say. Ni No Kuni II came out on PC and PlayStation 4 back in 2018, developed by Level-5, the makers of Professor Layton and Fantasy Life, and given that the first game already exists on the Switch, it would make sense to publish the sequel, too. Level-5, however, has since pulled back from making games in the West, “virtually halting” their production in North America.

So, while we’re unlikely to get new Level-5 stuff, Ni No Kuni II has already been localised (and brilliantly) and will just need porting over to the Nintendo Switch’s system, something that will probably involve an external porting house.
Still, games usually take a few months to go from ESRB rating to publication, since getting a rating usually means that you have a playable version of the game, so keep your eyes peeled for announcements.
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