Odyssey’ latest update adds mission sharing

Frontier Developments has released a new update for Elite Dangerous: Odyssey that allows ground missions to be shared with friends.

Space-based missions in Elite Dangerous have been cooperative for a long time, with players tracking the same targets and receiving the same rewards.

However, Elite Dangerous: Odyssey added new planet-based missions that did not allow the same level of cooperation. This has now been fixed in an update.

The update also includes many fixes and changes that Frontier had to split the patch notes between two Steam posts.

All missions added in Odyssey can be now be shared with teammates. The player who originally acquired the mission can now use a share button to send invites to all current teammates. Players who accept the invite will have their log updated with details of the new mission.

Upon mission completion, the invited players will receive similar rewards to the player that owns the mission. However, influence based rewards are exclusive to the mission owner.

Other fixes in the patch notes include AI no longer getting stuck when trying to navigate between each other for conversations and some AI being seen without helmets when they should have them.

Audio has also been improved, with grenades getting fixes to timer and pin sounds. Grenades also have more consistent bounce audio, with some incorrect sounds such as concrete bounces being improved.

Players will now load into settlements with their weapons holstered to prevent issues of reckless endangerment, and players will now see their own bounties and fines when travelling in another player’s ship, where previously they would see the ship owners.

An extensive list of changes can be found in the game’s Steam patch notes.

When Elite Dangerous: Odyssey released, it received many negative reviews shortly after its launch. The latest update comes after several other patches also attempt to resolve the problems players found at release.

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