A lot of people are waiting for Party Animals, the most followed game on Steam. The wait has just been made a little more bearable with the title’s newest dev log, which revealed maps, modes, and more. There will be 12 maps that will be used with three game modes: Last Stand, Team Score, and Arcade, although the names of the game modes themselves might not be final. With the game releasing sometime this year, it makes sense that we’re getting another dev log. There’s a lot more to cover, so let’s get into that, shall we?
What else is new with Party Animals?
The three modes in the game are pretty simple: Last Stand has players trying to survive until they’re the last one left, Team Score has teams trying to outscore one another, and Arcade is a collection of maps that don’t fit in the prior two modes. Two of the revealed maps in Last Stand are Blizzard Warning, where players have to be close to a campfire so they don’t freeze, and Black Hole, which has players grabbing onto heavy objects so they don’t get sucked into a black hole.
A map revealed for Team Score is Need for Speeding Train, where teams will have to carry lumps of coal into the fire engine to speed up their train. The two trains are beside one another, and whichever team crosses the finish line first wins.
In order to play together, players on Xbox and Steam can now add each other to an in-game friend list, which should make it a lot easier for cross-platform play. There’s also an in-game chat that can be used with friends and strangers, which is definitely a nice thing to have.

When players talk to each other in-game, their messages will pop up on top of their character or avatar. This means that to speak to another person, you’ll have to physically see them in-game, which is neat.
There’s also Quick Games, which now has players in groups of 1 to 4 people playing fair games against other groups. Custom Games can now also be sorted, searched, and filtered to find a preferred lobby. Custom settings include changing team size, player HP, Stamina, and banning weapons. There’s also an option to change the game into a one-shot kill to make things more interesting. Custom Games servers will be peer to peer, so when the host leaves everyone else is booted out.
Last but not least, up to four local players can play now, which should hopefully make for a fun time. The first player can use a keyboard and mouse, but the other three potential players must use a controller. On Xbox, players will need two controllers to activate split-screen.
For more information on Party Animals and other party games, stay tuned to TechRaptor.
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