According to “PSVR Without Parole,” some consumers were expecting the PS VR2 to come out in Holiday 2022, which translates to Q4 of this year. However, Sony declined to confirm whether the headset would even make that launch window because the PS5’s supply still hasn’t met consumer demand 15 months after launch as it is still dealing with the ongoing global semiconductor shortage that resulted from the COVID-19 pandemic. Plus, PS VR2’s overall design heavily suggests that it would work exclusively for PS5, meaning Sony is moving slowly moving away from the PS4, which puts people who still own the previous-gen console but not the current-gen one yet at a disadvantage.
“The dependency on PS5 means that PS VR2 can’t succeed without a great PS5 install base and releasing a PS VR2 headset into a world where the PS5s are still scarce can not only affect potential PS VR2 sales but also leave a lot of gamers even more frustrated than they already are,” the channel said.
Even if pre-orders for the PS VR2 go live now, gamers are still having a hard time getting their hands on the PS5 despite efforts to keep scalpers at bay every time Sony and retailers announce restocks on social media. Unfortunately, PS5 restocks will remain rare for a while because of the ongoing supply chain issues with the consoles, making Sony keep the PS VR2’s true release date extremely close to the chest.
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