Retro-Bit Announces Pre-Orders For Their Wireless Tribute 64! — GameTyrant

The new design also includes a wider handle layout and repositioned D-pad, which is sure to delight many who took issue with the original Tribute 64. I have to admit I am a little bummed about the D-pad movement myself since the old layout let me easily do a lot of gimmicky things, like play Halo and Apex legends to the consternation of everyone who watched! New Home and Select buttons have also been added to make using the controller on modern platforms easier compared to the awkward C-Button placement they have on the original USB variant. This will also ensure there won’t be any accidental mode changes when using the controller on an N64 emulator with 1-to-1 mapping.

My most anticipated features of the new Wireless Tribute 64 though are the better tuned analog stick and built-in rumble support! Retro-Bit has included a snippet about the new sticks in their official FAQ that states they are “technically,… quite close to the original N64 throw range.” As many of you know, the stick ranges on the original Tribute 64 are quite high, resulting in some sensitivity issues with a few games and outright breaking a couple of others. Even with the extreme ranges, I found the stick of the Tribute to be my favorite to use in the modern third-party market as its large size made it easy to control. Having the ranges reigned in while maintaining its large design for added control is quite exciting to me! 

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