Can you imagine a world without fries? Can you imagine how absolutely dreadful such a life would be? Well, for poor Princess Takorita, that’s exactly how life is.
Yes, Takorita Meets Fries is a new visual novel from Ratalaika Games and Roseverte, and it does exactly what it says on the tin. In the game, Princess Takorita is deeply dissatisfied with her under-the-sea kingdom’s rubbish meal options and heads off on a journey to try new dishes. On land, she discovers the magic of fries. Don’t ever say that video games can’t be deep (fried) and meaningful.
You can get a salty, sauce-covered taste of the gameplay in the video above, but we’ve also dished up this feature list to give you a little more info:
– Diverse, animated characters.
– Animated interfaces.
– 4 routes, 3 endings with 1 bonus epilogue.
– Light romance options including yuri and BL.
– Fries pictures everywhere!
Yes, “fries pictures” is listed as a selling point. To be fair, we are getting pretty peckish just writing this, so something’s definitely working.
The game launches on the Switch eShop later this week on 1st October, priced at just $4.99 / 4.99€. Make sure to let us know if this one’s tickling your tastebuds with a comment below.
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