Welcome to the weekend! It’s been a pretty big week for new releases on Xbox, including a selection of next-gen upgrades, loads of Xbox Game Pass additions, and even a couple of Xbox Games with Gold releases. Don’t forget the weekly Xbox sale as well, which only features 50 games this week, but you might find something you like!
Here’s what we’re jumping into over the weekend:
Fraser Gilbert, News Editor
We’re definitely spoilt for choice in terms of Xbox Game Pass this weekend, and there are a couple of games that I’m particularly keen to try out. Space Jam: A New Legacy – The Game is one of them, included as part of Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Perks, and the other is the super silly and hilarious multiplayer party game, Gang Beasts.
Aside from those two titles, I’m still putting a lot of time into Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 – The Official Video Game, so you’ll probably find me playing a few online rounds this weekend. Some of the events can be pretty infuriating (especially when playing online) but the majority are good fun, and the player base seems to be fairly healthy right now.
Have a good weekend, folks!
Daniel Hollis, News Reporter
Since I’m massively excited for The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD on my Switch in a few weeks, I’m taking this time to jump into some Zelda clones beforehand. We’ve got a great list here, so I’m using it to replay Okami HD – one of the most beautiful games ever made. If you’ve never played this game and you’re looking for a mystical adventure, you can’t go wrong.
I’m also going to be ploughing through more of Scarlet Nexus. The combat is a ton of fun and constantly keeps evolving. I’m not too sure it has enough substance to carry two playthroughs, but the story is more intriguing than I thought it would be, albeit slightly confusing. Outside of that, I’m going to try and convince Fraser to play some Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 with me. Unless he’s too scared to, of course.
(Editor’s note: Bring it on, Dan!)
Have a great weekend, everyone!
What Xbox games are you playing this weekend? Let us know down in the comments below.
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