The craftsman launched PT on an unhacked PS5. Konami claimed it was impossible to prove it

I think PT is a problem when it comes to backwards compatibility, conami assured me a couple of years ago. However, programmer and game secret expert Lance McDonald smog refute this claim and launched a Silent Hills teaser on a Sony console.

Remark that PT has never been removed from the PlayStation Store, and a fully-fledged game has never happened. The project is now closed to those who have redeemed it on their device. According to the developers, downloading the teaser on the PS5 won’t work, but there’s still an answer to the problem of transferring game files to PS4 instead of PS5. For some time, the loophole was even worked, but then Konami eliminated that possibility.

MacDonald used the above method, but they modified it. The application was as follows: the enthusiast transferred a hacked PS4 emulator from a flashed PS5 to a clean PS5, which had never been jailbroken before. It is important that PT is already on a working PSN account, so it should be activated first on a hacked PS5, and then on a regular basis. The programmer accompanied his tweet with video evidence that his gaming experience as well as the software version number showed.

Macdonald noted who did this trick two years ago, as Konami talked about the incompatibility of PT and PlayStation 5. In addition, the company announced a presentation to Silent Hill the day before. This stream is going to take place on the night of October 19-20.

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