The Director’s Cut of Ghost of Tsushima is now available for pre-order on PS4 and PS5

On August 20, this version will be published on both the PS5 and the PS4. One of the primary features will be Iki Island, a chapter in which Jin will journey to the island to investigate reports of a Mongol invasion. Everyone will find, however, that his previous fantasies will come back to haunt him.

The PS5 version will have better lip synchronization than the original Japanese audio of the first game. The haptic feedback and adaptive triggers will continue to function as part of the DualSense controller. The 3D sound is improved, the resolution increased to 4K, and the frame rate increased to 60FPS.

There will, of course, be more territory to explore, new weapons for Jin and his horse, minigames, animals, and enemies that will make things really difficult for us. On the other hand, with the arrival of Sucker Punch’s work on PS5, Sony’s next-generation console’s characteristics will be included.

We can easily transfer our Ghost of Tsushima game data to the PlayStation 5 if we already hold a copy of the game on the PlayStation 4. On the other hand, if we play the game for the first time, we won’t be able to visit Iki Island until the game’s second act.

Ghost of Tsushima: Director’s Cut will cost $69.99 on PlayStation 5 and $59.99 on PlayStation 4. If you already own the original, the Director’s Cut will cost you $19.99 on PlayStation 4. We’ll have to pay an extra $9.99 if we do this and then want to upgrade to PS5 with this edition. The final option is to pay $29.99 to upgrade from the original Ghost of Tsushima PS4 version to the Director’s Cut PS5 version.

News Summary:

  • The Director’s Cut of Ghost of Tsushima is now available for pre-order on PS4 and PS5
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