Gaming has been around for over 4 decades and has shaped the way many decide to unwind, it’s fun, engaging and sometimes makes us pick at our own brains. Sectors particularly within the gaming scene have recently become very popular, and with good reason. In today’s article, we gloss over the largest and fastest growing sectors within the gaming industry.
Cloud Gaming
Cloud gaming is pretty new to the block, that being said it has been increasingly popular. Essentially cloud gaming is like Netflix, instead of movies and series you can watch online without discs you have video games.
This allows gamers to subscribe to a Cloud gaming service and make use of a vast selection of video games without the need to download or wait for load times. The possibilities for Cloud gaming are quite endless, like online casinos these service providers have endless space to add new games to their service
Although the tech still has a long way to go it’s probably not as far as Starman, The Tesla Elon Musk sent to space four years ago, in fact, gaming consoles are under threat from streaming services and developing their own cloud gaming services.
The Online Casino Sector
The online casino sector has become quite the scene. Today punters looking to enjoy gambling fun no longer need to visit or go through the hassles of land-based casinos. Instead, they can enjoy all their favourite games at a real money online casino and to top that, they can do so from anywhere they desire.
Gaming at online casinos has also gotten incredibly innovative at bridging the gap between the experience to be had at brick-and-mortar casinos. Crypto casinos are the next craze and have been exploding in the digital space. Crypto Casinos are online casinos that accept cryptocurrencies as a payment method.
There are many who believe cryptocurrencies and blockchain are the future, and cryptocurrency casinos have been quick to jump on the scene. Crypto casinos offer zero fees on transactions, unlimited daily transactions and instant payouts and let’s not forget the superb security offered by crypto payments.
E-Sports Sector
Esports is definitely a fast-growing gaming sector to be mentioned. The Esports scene is one that has flourished in recent times, especially with the advancements in streaming technologies.
Today some of the largest and most watched gaming esports tournaments generate some of the biggest takes for players. Esports might owe its popularity to streaming technologies which allow gamers to view their favourite teams and players battle it out in the tournaments.
Esports also makes for some interesting viewing and has been attracting fans from other sectors.
Mobile Gaming
Mobile gaming has made up 45% of the whole market in recent years. People enjoy mobile gaming so much that in 2019 alone just under one-third of the whole worldwide population played a gaming app.
Why the popularity?
Well unlike most of the other forms of gaming, mobile gaming is incredibly accessible. No need for headsets or expensive gaming consoles/pcs, mobile gaming allows thousands of users globally to enjoy gaming on the go, wherever and whenever.
Mobile gaming has become so easy and accessible that it’s even surpassed television in terms of how people are spending their leisure time so much so that it’s been calculated that an average of above 6.5 hours per week are spent on mobile gaming alone.
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