The Last of Us Part 1’s New Accessibility Features Get Detailed

The Last of Us Part I is one of PlayStation’s biggest releases of 2022, despite being a remake of a PS3 game. It’s no secret that The Last of Us is one of the most acclaimed games of all-time. It was a pillar of the PlayStation 3, despite releasing just months before the PS4. Of course, Sony ended up releasing the game on the PS4 about a year after the original release. Naughty Dog then went all-in on a massive, no holds barred sequel that stirred up a ton of controversy among players for its risky storytelling decisions. Nevertheless, it went on to be a huge hit with critics and is one of the best-selling PS4 games to date. With an HBO adaptation of the series on the horizon, Sony opted to remake The Last of Us for both veterans and those who will be introduced to the series via the TV series.

One other crucial audience for Naughty Dog are those who couldn’t enjoy or even play the first game due to limited accessibility settings. The Last of Us Part I aims to make the game incredibly accessible, largely by building upon the amazing features implemented in The Last of Us Part II. In a new PlayStation Blog post, all of the accessibility features for the upcoming remake are meticulously broken down. Some of these include using the haptic feedback on the PS5 controller to emphasize how a line is delivered for deaf players, helping them understand the emotion of a line while reading the subtitles. The game also includes presets for visually impaired, hearing impaired, and motor impaired players, allowing you to pick a preset that will apply settings specific to your needs. The game also features the ability to customize your difficulty, allowing you to choose to make something like stealth really easy, but direct combat a little harder. For the full breakdown from PlayStation, click here or watch the trailer below.

Needless to say, it sounds like The Last of Us Part I will be the definitive version for more reasons than increased graphical fidelity. As of right now, it remains to be seen if it will justify its steep price tag, but for some people, these kinds of changes are invaluable. Hopefully, these kinds of innovations will lead to more developers including similar features in other games.

The Last of Us Part I releases on PS5 on September 2nd, 2022. Will you be picking up the remake? Let me know in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @Cade_Onder.

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