The Procession to Calvary is now available on Xbox One and Xbox Series X | S

The Procession to Calvary, described as a “Pythonesque” adventure game, launches today for Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One.

The Procession to Calvary launched on Steam last year, and has already met with “very positive” reviews. It becomes available for Xbox players today, July 2nd — what do you think about The Procession to Calvary? Will you be picking this up? Let us know in the comments!

Renaissance paintings and a wacky sense of humour combine in this point-and-click adventure game, which the devs say is a “spiritual successor” to Four Last Things. “The tyrant Heavenly Peter has escaped your clutches, and you have been tasked with the mission of finding him,” the description reads. “Your journey will take you through a richly detailed landscape built from hundreds of different Renaissance paintings. You will steal a ship, feed a donkey, compete in a talent contest, assist an inept street magician, sing, dance, play the (magic?) flute, poke a man’s face, hunt for treasure and have a chat with Our Lord God Almighty… but will you find Heavenly Peter? And if you do, how will you take your revenge!?”

News Summary:

  • The Procession to Calvary is now available on Xbox One and Xbox Series X | S
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