What do all of the amiibo do in Splatoon 3?

Splatoon 3 is hitting the Splatlands running, with plenty of new content and gameplay mechanics for players to sink their varying number of teeth into. But returning content is also a core part of the game—and that includes amiibo functionality carrying over. 

One of the original Splatoon’s features was being able to use specific amiibo figures to unlock exclusive gear and bonuses. This remained when the series jumped from Wii U to Nintendo Switch with Splatoon 2 and is now more expansive than ever thanks to the continued release of new amiibo.

The amiibo functionality in Splatoon has varied in its depth, with some scans offering new gear while others unlocked challenges to complete—at least back in the original game. This hasn’t changed in Splatoon 3, though the current lineup of amiibo available at launch only give gear. 

A new set of Splatoon 3 amiibo will be released before the end of the year, and since these are new figures, they could very well unlock additional content like challenges, bonuses, or even modes. We won’t know for sure until they’re released, but here is a list of the available amiibo unlocks for Splatoon 3, with the figures listed by represented character and release date. 

As pointed out by several sources, including Destructoid, some of the rewards might double up or not be given because they are shared between amiibo for one reason or another. This has been noted and if there are any changes, the list will be updated to match. But for the most part, each amiibo will give you a unique set of gear or part of a set. 

Oh, and don’t forget if you only get part of a set but the amiibo mentions how you need more experience or to play more battles, you can likely scan them again later to get more rewards. 

All Splatoon 3 amiibo rewards

  • Inkling Girl
    • Inkling Girl (Orange): No reward, potentially because it is a wave one release or because it doubled up with another tested amiibo. Likely the same as Inkling Girl (Green) either way.
    • Inkling Girl (Green): School Shoes + Hi Socks, Base School Shoes, School Uniform A, School Uniform B, Squid Hairclip
    • Inkling Girl (Pink/Red): Baggy-Sock Fringe Loafs, Base Fringed Loafers
    • Inkling Girl (Smash Bros. line): Same as Inkling Girl (Green)
  • Inkling Boy
    • Inkling Boy (Blue): Samurai Shoes, Samurai Jacket, Samurai Helmet
    • Inkling Boy (Purple): Same as Inkling Boy (Blue)
    • Inkling Boy (Green): Squinja Boots
  • Inkling Squid
    • Inkling Squid (Green): Power Armor, Power Mask, Power Boots
    • Inkling Squid (Orange): Same as Inkling Squid (Green)
    • Inkling Squid (Purple): Power Boots Mk I, Power Armor Mk I, Power Helmet Mk I
  • Idols
    • Callie: Hero Runner Replicas, Hero Jacket Replica, Hero Headset Replica
    • Marie: Armor Boot Replicas, Armor Jacket Replica, Armor Helmet Replica
    • Marina: Marinated Slip-Ons, Marinated Top, Marinated Headphones, 
    • Pearl: Pearlescent Kicks, Pearlescent Hoodie, Pearlescent Crown S, Pearlescent Crown L
  • Octoling
    • Octoling Girl: Enchanted Boots, Enchanted Robe A, Enchanted Robe B, Enchanted Hat 
    • Octoling Boy: Steel Greaves, Steel Platemail, Steel Helm
    • Octoling Octopus: Fresh Fish Feet, Fresh Fish Gloves, Fresh Fit Head
  • Splatoon 3 set (releasing Holiday 2022)
    • Octoling Girl (Blue): TBD
    • Inkling Girl (Yellow): TBD
    • Smallfry: TBD

Do non-Splatoon amiibo work with Splatoon 3?

Just like with previous Splatoon games, trying to scan an amiibo that isn’t from the series will not work. Instead, you will be prompted with a pop-up asking you to try again with a different figure.

This does unfortunately mean that none of your remaining amiibo will work with Splatoon 3, but this has been the case in every iteration of the series so it isn’t a big surprise.

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