Can You Drop On Multiple Generations?
Updated: Oct 10, 2022 2:04 pm
Warzone 2.0 is just around the corner, and the hype is definitely real. Players are excited to drop into the new map and try out all the different guns in the game. There have been many significant improvements in the game, such as better physics, greater graphics, and likely performance upgrades as well. But will Warzone 2 be next gen only?
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However, some fans have been wondering whether Warzone 2.0 will be on the previous generation consoles as well or will only remain on the next-gen PS5 and Xbox Series X/S. Worry not, as we’ll answer that in this article.
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Coming to all Platforms

If you haven’t gotten the chance to get your hands on one of the next-gen consoles, then you’ll be happy to know that Warzone 2.0 will not just come to PS5 and Xbox Series X/S but will also be arriving on the Xbox One and PS4!
Warzone 2.0 will also have crossplay, which means that even if you have an old-gen console, you’ll likely get the chance to play with your mates that have upgraded to the newer generations. Not only that, but you can also play with anyone else with a different console too, making it a much more social experience.
Limitations of Including Old Gen
Although on the surface, it sounds like really great news that you can play Warzone 2.0 on your current/old-gen consoles, there seem to be many hidden factors that are worth considering.
Warzone 2.0 was reportedly made from the ground up and improved in many areas that the original game lacked in. However, because right from the start, the game supports previous generations, game development likely had to keep that in mind as well.
What Does This Mean For Warzone 2.0?
So, essentially what that means is that Warzone 2.0 might’ve been held back while trying to cater to both generations of consoles. We’ve seen this many times with games that try to support both consoles. The previous generations end up bottlenecking the game and limiting things like gameplay and especially graphics.
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Therefore, everyone is slightly skeptical of Warzone 2.0 and how much of a step up it truly might be from the original game. In fact, many fans are actually sad and disappointed by the fact that the game is not next-gen only.
But all of these are still speculations. Perhaps Activision found a way to make the game work for both generations without shortcomings and falling too much into limitations. We’ll have to stick around to find out when the game releases on November 16th, 2022. Regardless, the fact that the game can be enjoyed by the previous generations is still good news for many players out there!
Call Of Duty Warzone 2 FAQ
Will Warzone 2 Be Next-Gen Only?
If you haven’t gotten the chance to get your hands on one of the next-gen consoles, then you’ll be happy to know that Warzone 2.0 will not just come to PS5 and Xbox Series X/S but will also be arriving on the Xbox One and PS4!
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