How To Wean Puppies To A Raw Dog Food Diet

How To Wean Puppies To A Raw Dog Food Diet

Starting dogs early on eating a raw dog food diet will allow them to gain the maximum benefit from this diet. If you can get them on this type of diet from puppy-hood it would be best. It will ensure they receive all the nutrients they need in a way that their bodies are equipped to handle. That is why I strongly recommend that you transition your puppy to a raw food diet as soon as this becomes possible.

When you begin weaning your puppy begin by feeding them milk to help wean the pups from their mother. So puppies who are just 2.5 weeks old could start this kind of diet. If you’d prefer to wait till your puppy is 3 to 5 weeks old, that’s fine as well.

When you prepare milk-based meals, you want to use raw or fresh milk for this. The milk of goats is more popular since it’s more easy for puppies to digest it, but if that’s not available, other kinds of milk like cow’s milk are also suitable.

Apart from goat’s milk, you would need to add other ingredients into your puppies milk meal to make sure that it gets all the nutrients necessary for its growth.

Common things to include include eggs (without any shells) honey that is not processed, flaxseed oil and yogurt. Some pet owners add vitamin C and vitamin b supplements just to be sure. All of the ingredients into a blender and blend them together prior to serving your puppy.

At a young age, which is around a couple of weeks old, you’ll need be feeding your dog as needed typically between 4 and 5 times the course of a day. You can learn from the way they feed their puppies. often they nurse from their mother.

When your puppies reach 6 weeks of age, you may begin to look for signs that they are ready to eat solid food. There is a possibility that the mother will be taking her food in a gulp and feeding it to her pups. You may also observe that your puppies have teeth.

When you see these signs that you are aware of, you should start introducing some solid food into your puppies’ diet. A good first food to introduce is a mush of vegetables with a 50% protein.

Here are some important things to remember when starting your puppies on solids:

Make sure to puree or to mix the food well. This will ensure that your puppy gets all of the nutrients that they require from the meals that you serve them.

When you serve vegetables, be sure to avoid greens from the cabbage family as they can give your dog gas or thyroid problems

Be sure to avoid serving grains at all times. Puppies cannot tolerate grains and you may be able to cause allergies.

Serve one kind of vegetable or meat each day for around one week before moving onto a different kind of meat or vegetable. If you are you looking for more information regarding First Source Pet Foods Reno review our own page. This helps you spot any food allergies. If you’re certain that your puppy isn’t allergic to a selection of meat or vegetables you have served them, you can mix these ingredients to serve your puppies.

You should strive to achieve the balance and diversity throughout the course of time. You can achieve this by changing the food you feed your dogs.

If you are introducing your puppy to solids, make sure that you still continue to serve milk meals.

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Animal offal or organs can be a great source of protein as well as other nutrients that your growing puppies need. But make sure that these do not make up less than 10% of puppy’s meals.

Introducing the raw dog food diet to your puppy will require a lot of attention to specifics. A great resource on the subject can be found in Maggie Rhines’ book called “Going Rawr! Dog Lover’s Compendium”. I highly recommend it to anyone considering putting their puppies as well as adult pets on raw diet.

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